(Inspiration photos I’ve taken recently on my walks and of my lovely model, Janea.)
Something that always brings me joy during November are the bright yellow gingko trees. Where we live, they always seem to hold out the longest of all the seasonal colors. While other leaves have fallen, the gingko leaves are “late fallers” and I always pretend they hold out just a little longer for me since this is my birthday month. I’ve wanted to include their fiery foliage into a painting for years and I was excited to finally get around to it. Yellow is the happiest color and I was feeling hopeful. I had felt weighed down for several months dealing with various challenges and I felt like maybe I was finally turning a corner and resolving some things.
Then November 5th happened, and all my hope fell fast.
Personal problems were put into perspective, but also overshadowed by despair.
I was and am afraid.
Sometimes I paint my feelings, but other times I must paint the feelings I wish to have.
Besides adoring their obvious cheery color in the Fall, I love gingko trees because they symbolize resilience. They are one of the oldest trees on earth and are considered living fossils. They outlasted the dinosaurs, and survived Hiroshima. These trees have seen some shit.
Authoritarians have various tools for achieving power, but when indoctrination, manipulation, and intimidation don’t work on swaying you, they will try to break your will, your spirit through force. Right now, remaining joyful, connected, and creative is our recipe for resilience and resistance. Finding light, being light, and creating light is my tiny act of defiance.
I wrote something about being hopeful (blah, blah, blah), and then deleted it, because as I sit here I don’t feel very hopeful. I can still experience joy though. I can still help someone else experience joy. When I feel exhausted or scared I look to the Queer community and POC because this is nothing new to them. While it has never been their job to light our way, they continue to do so. They know burning out isn’t an option.